

This is not so easy. I could give you a small list of things that I already did in my life, where I worked, what my hobbies are and what I like to eat. This might be interesting for some of you but would not really give you a clue about who I really am. So let me try this....

To know me and my values you have to know where I come from. I was born and raised in Bregenz, Vorarlberg in the far west of Austria. From an early age I was affected by my father’s passion for painting, sculpting, music and nature. In summer we used to go camping far up in the mountains, living in a tipi that we maid and painted ourselves. We cooked on a stove that we built of stones and clay from the nearby river. For me growing up in Vorarlberg meant being outside and being in close contact with nature.
After art school and a school for mechanical engineering I did one year of civilian service. During that time I realised that I wanted to study. As I am a very creative person and my parents said it has to be a 'real Job' not art, I moved to Vienna to study architecture. I won a couple of student competitions, finished within six years and started working.

Whait a minute.... This reads like a CV. Sorry for that!

What I wanted you to now is, that I worked as an architect and realised that it is a shitty job. At least for me.

Now I am a freelance designer who works from home and got to the conclusion that this cannot be it. This can't be the job you do until you are old enough to retire. I miss the purpuse in my job. I got this feeling last summer when I had a lot of time to think. Since then I did a lot more thinking and a couple of personality tests. I joined an association for a sustainable lifestyle, I am looking for a job that brings me the purpose I need and I am trying new things in life.

I will keep you updated as good as I can, so stay tuned.